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Amethyst – This purple tinted crystal aids in achieving deep, relaxing meditation and stimulates psychic development specifically with opening the third eye for clearer, meaningful psychic visual messages. It is can also be used to cleanse the crown chakra. Amethyst is associated with the Arch Angel Jeremiel who assists with strengthening clairvoyance and prophetic visions.
Angelite – This sky blue stone helps with opening the third eye as well as bolstering telepathy. It also provides protection from negative energy along with making it easier to connect with spirits.
Apatite – This aqua colored blue stone can also be found is a light melon green shade and a golden yellow color. Apatite Blue may help with strengthening psychic abilities by stimulating the Third Eye Chakra so visions and images come easier and more vivid. It can also be used during past life regressions as well as Akashic Records Readings as it helps one access information related to life paths.
Black Kyanite – This crystal is part of the Kyanite group, a bit more rigid - in a way like to black tourmaline. Similar to Blue Kynanite, it is a healing stone that can be used for cleansing, specifically the root chakra. It is also an excellent meditation aid. Black Kyanite transmits and amplifies high frequency energies bringing calm and tranquility.
Black Tourmaline – This black stone can be used for protection against negative energy which is important for those who are psychic and/or empathic. Absorbing other's negative energy can cause physical and emotional stress so having Black Tourmaline helps clear, cleanse, and protect.
Blue Aventurine – A stone that assists with self-discipline and inner strength. It promotes taking responsibility and initiative in one’s life concerning relationships, career, and other areas. It also helps with achieving attunement with intuitive and empathic abilities.
Blue Calcite – This blue shaded crystal helps remove blockages of the 3rd Eye so it may open wider to allow clearer visions. Blue calcite stimulates intuitiveness and psychic abilities. It can also strengthen one's telepathic abilities and communication overall, especially making connections over a long distance; whether physically or spiritually. Blue calcite also brings forth epiphanies to provide guidance since it can remove blockages. It can also provide physical benefits since it is said to help with respiratory issues.
Blue Kyanite – This medium blue stone has a high vibration and can be used in different ways: healing, psychic development, and chakra alignment. Kyanite can provide rejuvenating energy and raise telepathic abilities so that information and energy can be telepathically transferred between people in order to guide the healer. In regards to psychic development, it can be used to help one strengthen their abilities as well as their spiritual communication. As for the chakras, the healing power of Kyanite can be used to help balance the color, size, and energy level of our chakras.
Blue Lace Agate – This type of Agate focuses on self-expression through communication. Blue Lace Agate helps us speaking boldly and clearly so that words, tone, and intent are not misinterpreted. It can be used to clear the throat chakra as well, both stone and chakra being a light shade of blue.
Blue Obsidian – This blue crystal comes in a few shades of blue and in some cases it may be man-made, But natural elements are used in the process of creating this beautiful energy stone. Blue Obsidian helps with astral travel, divination, and enhances telepathy. It supports communication skills and can be used to heal the throat chakra.
Blue Quartz – This blue shaded crystal stimulates intuitiveness and psychic abilities. It can also strengthen one's telepathic abilities and communication overall.
Blue Tiger's Eye – This blue sparkled, striped crystal maintains balance and stimulates energy. It can also be used to cleanse the root chakra. Tiger Eye can help one achieve harmony in relationships, find common ground during opposition, and equilibrium for those who tend to go to extremes.
Botswana Agate – This purple version of the agate stone is also known as Botswana agate. It alleviates stress and depression as well as helps people realize their spiritual awakening.
Bronzite – This brown marble stone is a healing stone that brings forth serenity. It is also a very good grounding stones and provides protection as well. Bronzite is known to help one restore, regain their composure following highly stressful times.
Carnelian – This orange colored stone is associated with courage and confidence related to personal and professional growth. It can help with improving our health and physical strength as well. Carnelian can also help us increase our romantic and sexuality tendencies since it is related to the Solar Chakra, also of orange color, which is linked to physical and emotional needs, wants, and desires.
Chiastolite – This brown and black stone is recognizable by the cross it bares at its center. Chiastolite is a protective stone that dispels negativity and attracts harmony especially in group settings or crowds.
Chrysocolla – This aqua colored stone may help strengthen the throat chakra - like another aqua colored stone: turquoise. Chrysocolla helps with communication knowing - when to speak and when to remain silent. It also helps in learning how the depth and affects words can have on others.
Citrine – This yellow tinted crystal encourages the manifestation of thoughts, beliefs, and desires. It is can also be used to cleanse the solar chakra. Citrine is associated with the Arch Angel Gabriel who assists with achieving peace and offering mercy. Gabriel also protects children as well as helping parents conceive or adopt.
Clear Quartz – This transparent crystal improves intuitive and psychic abilities especially opening the 3rd eye. It can also cleanse the third eye chakra. Clear Quartz is associated with the Arch Angel Raziel who assists with strengthening all forms of psychic abilities and learning the secrets of the universe.
Copper has been used for millenniums by all civilizations for practical uses like tools, jewelry, plumbing, and coinage. Spiritually, copper is thought to stimulate energy flow and enhance psychic abilities. It’s an energy conductor amplifying thoughts and communicating especially with higher beings for insight & guidance bringing enlightenment and epiphanies to enrich life. It is said to heal the body, with electrical impulses throughout the body to alleviate pain: physically and emotionally. The balance and grounding brought by copper results in spiritual and emotional alignment.
Dalmatian Jasper – This black and white polka dotted rock is part of the Jasper stone family. Dalmatian helps us figure out the meaning of dreams as well as retaining them. It can also be used to banish negative energy, negative emotions, and negative thoughts.
Dragon Blood Jasper – This stone is from the Jasper family and its name is simply derived from it appearance: the serpent-like pattern mixed with crimson. It is a mystical stone that can be used for healing and vitality. Dragon Jasper is also known to assist with goal achievement and financial gain.
Emerald – This green stone is associated with love & luck. It's energy promotes love, happiness, and hope. It can cleanse the heart chaka. Emerald also helps us learn compassion, acceptance, and understanding. It can attract abundance and wealth when one clears their mind of fear, failure, and other negative emotions that block progress and prosperity.
Epidote – A green stone that bares a resemblance to pyrite. Epidote can be used for physical healing, said to dissolve blockages, tumors, cysts. It can remove negative emotions and thoughts by raising one's vibration.
Garnet – This dark maroon stone brings forth positive energy and revitalization; making it a good stone to use when one is bogged down by negative energy or simply tired. Garnet is a healing stone that has been used for centuries by many civilizations throughout mankind.
Golden Quartz – This stone is of the quartz family and is helpful with healing. It can also bring forth positive energy and re-energize.
Green Aventurine – This stone promotes prosperity in life, love, and careers. The stone's energy helps one realize solutions to overcome obstacles in order to achieve which brings about harmony and emotional recovery.
Green Fluorite – This green tinted crystal helps with cleansing energy and encouraging coherent thoughts. It also quells confusion leading to better focus and concentration. Fluorite is associated with Arch Angel Chamuel who provides support with careers, learning life’s purpose, and finding peace.
Herkimer Diamond – This clear crystal is part of the quartz family and is harder than most forms of quartz. It gets the diamond nickname because is closely resembles that prized precious gem. Herkimer is used for dream and vision work. The energy of this crystal opens the crown and third eye chakras to stimulate visions. This crystal can amplify the dream state so that the dreamer is more aware and able to interact. It also helps with astral projection as well as keeping focused during meditation.
Howlite – This white marble stone helps with gaining patience, achieving insightful meditation, and strengthening the memory.
Jade – This stone comes in several colors, but is commonly known for it's light, leafy green appearance. Jade is a calming stone good for healing and recharging to raise one's energy levels. It can also be used to assist with attaining wisdom, prosperity, and longevity.
Jet – This black stone helps with protection, purification, balance, grounding by absorbing negative energy then filtering it into clean, clear, usable energy. Jet is an excellent stone for transforming worry into calm, nervousness into confidence, and raising energy levels.
Labradorite – This green, blue shimmering stone is labeled "magical" and said to enhance psychic abilities, assist with accessing akashic records and past lives as well as assist with astral projection. Labradorite raises one's vibration, energy. It can also be used for protection against negative energy.
Lapis Lazuli – This blue marbled stone works specifically on development of the third eye chakra. The mixture of pyrite and calcite work together to raise one’s energy in order to strengthen their ability to receive messages and information in the form of visions.
Leopard Jasper – This spotted stone is part of the Jasper stone family. This stone strengthens communication between animals and humans. Leopard Jasper can also be used to transform meditation into a more profound shamanic journey.
Lodolite - A unique crystal that can be used for several purposes. One, as a mediation aid since it possesses soothing energy to calm us; making is easier to achieve deep relaxation. Its power can help us reach the depths of our memories to recall past lives. It enhances communication all around, but especially with higher beings as well as ESP. It can be used to manifest our heart’s desires, bringing success and happiness and love in our lives.
Mahogany Obsidian – This black and terracotta colored stone resembles Snowflake Obsidian in a way and also offers similar healing properties. Mahogany possesses positive energy to protect from negative energy while strengthening our own energy. It helps us center, cleanse, and ground.
Merlinite – This black marbled stone is a mixture of white quartz and black psilomelane. It is considered a magical stone, named after the legendary mystic Merlin. This stone can be a useful tool for psychics, shamans, pagans, and energy workers. It can help one go beyond the physical realm as well as explore past lives.
Moldavite – At first glance, this stone resembles Tektite but soon the deep green tint is visible. Which makes sense since Moldavite is part of the Tektite group. This stone possesses immense power that may strengthen our connection to the spirit world so information and messages are received clearer. Moldavite can be hard to find and expensive.
Moonstone – This white and greyish stone strengthens intuition and psychic visions seen with the third eye. It is can also be used to cleanse the sacral chakra since it possesses healing energy.
Moroccan Chalcedony Nodule – This stone of antiquity was important in ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman civilizations. Chalcedony can be found all over the Earth and comes in a variety of colors. The Moroccan Chalcedony has a brownish tint. It assists in group stability, telepathy, and removes hostility.
Moss Agate – The most powerful of the agate stones. It promotes grounding especially connecting to the Earth. Moss Agate helps bring awareness to the Earth’s natural being and spirituality. It can also stabilize those who experience mood shifts and emotional stress.
Onyx – Part of the quartz family, Onyx helps with grounding and connecting with the Earth’s energy. This black stone can be used while scrying (staring into a crystal ball or mirror to receive information from psychic visions). Although Onyx is not a solid black stone like Jet, it does re-energize just the same.
Petrified Wood – Also known as fossilized wood, this wood has not become stone but rather the organic properties have transformed into silicon dioxide. Petrified Wood has experienced centuries of time so therefore is useful to connect to the past through meditation and past life regression.
Fluorite – This is an organizing stone that helps us achieve order and structure so we can bring our thoughts and ideas to fruition. Fluorite creates positive energy to help our theories become a reality; joining scattered thoughts into one harmonious concept. It clears confusion and conflicting ideas to "balance the brain" so the logical left side and abstract right side come together to enhance our mental and psychic abilities.
Pyrite – This gold rough rock is also known as Fool's Gold. Pyrite can bring luck and bring forth manifestation of wishes and desires. It's shiny, shimmering appearance is quite eye catching. Pyrite can stimulate creativity and encourage healthy sexual expression.
Rainforest Jasper – This multi-colored stone is part of the Jasper stone family. It is used for grounding, amplifying healing power, and increasing invigorating energy. It is associated with a strong connection to nature, the Earth and it's many creatures.
Rhodochrosite – This pink and black marbled stone is associated with love and relationships. It also helps us realize the power of love: love within ourselves & love for others.
Rhodonite – This pink and black marbled stone is associated with love and relationships. It also helps us realize the power of love. Rhodonite can help one learn to practice acceptance and forgiveness.
Rhyolite – This earthy colored stone removes emotional blockages so that positive, creative thoughts and feelings enter our heart and our lives. Rhyolite bolsters our self-esteem, self-confident, courage, and fortitude. It ignites us so that we may achieve our personal, professional, and spiritual potential. .
Rose Quartz – This pink tinted crystal is related to the heart in many ways emotionally and spiritually. It deals with love, compassion, and kindness. Rose quartz can also be used to cleanse the heart chakra. It is associated with the Arch Angel Ariel who heals and protects humans and animals.
Ruby Fuchsite – This stone with embedded ruby crystals helps with the realization of self-love, the learning of tolerance, and promotes the ability to forgive which all works towards achieving personal growth and harmony.
Sapphire – This blue stone is often noted as a beautiful gem. It is also known to magnify psychic abilities. Sapphire can be an aid to use during an Akashic Records reading to receive information from the Book of Life or the Lords of the Records themselves.
Sardonyx – This stone comes in a few variations, pictured here are green & white and orange & black. Either color, either way this stone helps strengthen friendships as well as brings good fortune to those who possess it.
Scolecite – This white marbled stone promotes spiritual connections, relaxation, and inner peace. Scolecite is perfect for those experiencing their spiritual awakening as it slowly, gently raises awareness and openness. It is very useful for peaceful meditation as well as communication with spirits.
Septarian – This multi-colored stone is predominantly a golden yellow with a brown-grey center. It helps with harmonizing emotions and intellect. Septarian is also associated with healing and spiritual exploration which is amplified during meditation in the outdoors - helping one connect with the spirit world as well as nature.
Serpentine – This green and white marble stone connects one with nature and can unlock secrets to the Earth's evolution. It can also help one with achieving a deep meditation to assist with exploring spirituality.
Snowflake Obsidian – This black and grey polka dotted rock is part of the obsidian stone family. Snowflake obsidian purifies and helps one find balance and center themselves.
Sodalite – This blue marbled stone helps access the subconscious, enhances intuitive abilities and insight. It can be helpful during deep meditation when one seeks to explore themselves. Sodalite can be used to induce hypnotic and trance states. This stone can also aid in one's recollections of dreams or exploration of lucid dreaming.
Stromatolite – This brown marbled stone also be considered a fossil as well. It can be used as a meditation aid. Stromatolite can help one remember and explore past lives. It possesses a steady flow of energy.
Sunstone – This sandy marbled stone energizes emotional patterns bringing harmony and joy while lifting depression. It can also help one take responsibility and lead others in business and personal endeavors.
Tektite – This black stone is created through meteoric impact so its energy is other worldly. Tektite can be used as a meditation aid helping one achieve deep levels of relaxation in order to explore the subconscious as well as the universe. It may also stimulate astral projection. Due to it's galactic energy, tektite supposedly can be used to communicate with extraterrestrials.
Tektite Tiger's Eye – This orange and brown striped crystal maintains balance and stimulates energy. It can also be used to cleanse the root chakra. Tiger Eye can help one achieve harmony in relationships, find common ground during opposition, and equilibrium for those who tend to go to extremes.
Turquoise – This stone's beautiful shade of aqua blue results from its copper element. It is a very popular stone amongst western Native American tribes incorporated into a lot of their jewelry and clothing. Turquoise is actually a French term for "Turkish stone" referring to where Europeans imported it centuries ago. This stone's energy helps counsel us along life's path reminding us that all experiences - good and bad - are important and necessary in order to reach self-acceptance and enlightenment. Turquoise can cleanse the throat chakra.
Turritella – This is a very earthy stone for a few reasons, one being that it includes fossilized snail shells which are the visible round and U shapes. The colorization is very natural with its predominant dark brown and black appearance. It is an ancient stone that has been found along with artifacts in Greece, Egypt, and other parts of Africa - which explains its ability to help with recalling past lives. Because it is an old stone, Turritella possesses the power to helps us learn about our ancestry and our history.
Variscite – This pale light green stone can be used to cleanse and strengthen the heart chakra. It is associated with love and compassion, for yourself and others. This stone also helps with grief and heartbreak, relieving and strengthening. Variscite is related to turquoise.
Yellow Calcite – Also known as Honey Calcite, this yellow tinted crystal enhances self-confidence. It soothes anger and anxiety which brings about balance allowing for clarity and focus towards achieving personal and professional goals.
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